In Canberra

I seem to have forgotten to blog over the weekend, being too intent on having a weekend before spending most of Sunday traveling to Canberra. (I did manage to blog at the FQ blog though.)

Writing this sitting in a meeting room in the National Library of Australia, waiting for a workshop on copyright to start.

I think I was way too anxious about the cold in Canberra. It is cold, but it hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be. The hotel i’m staying in in very warm and i have had good food, and there’s nothing to complain about, really. This morning it is bright and sunny and very brisk, and it’s very pretty.

The last time I was here was in 2009, and it was after attending the Aurora leadership workshop. Been thinking about what i learned at Aurora, and what I’m still learning.

Today’s workshop should be interesting and will no doubt give me a lot to think about. Looking a the agenda, possibly I shall have a bit to do, too.

Trying out the WordPress app on my iPad for this post. Bandwidth courtesy of the NLA.