How did I miss this? Via Kalgrl, a science fiction/fantasy/horror meme:
- The last sf/f/h book I read and enjoyed was: Endgame by Ann Aguirre (last in the Sirantha Jax series)
- The last sf/f/h book I read and did not enjoy was: The Children of the Sky by Vernor Vinge (I only finished it because I am a Vernor Vinge fan)
- A sf/f/h book that I would recommend to new sf/f/h readers is: Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
- A sf/f/h book that I would recommend to seasoned sf/f/h readers is: Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks
- The sf/f/h book I most want to read next is: A Dance With Dragons by George R.R. Martin (I keep starting it, then getting distracted by something else. Must stay ahead of the TV series)
- My favorite sf/f/h book series includes: Minds, from The Culture (thank you Iain M. Banks). I am also very partial to aliens.
- I will read anything by this sf/f/h author: Iain M. Banks (alas, I have read everything by this author. RIP.)
- The first sf/f/h book I read was: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
- The sf/f/h book I’m most surprised that more people don’t like is: Glasshouse by Charles Stross
- The sf/f/h book I’m surprised so many people do like is: Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series (ducks)
- The most expensive sf/f/h book I own is: I don’t think I own any special editions or anything pricey…
- The number of sf/f/h books I own and have yet to read is: more than I’d like…
I can’t recommend any horror works, not being a fan of the genre.
I didn’t enjoy Wheel of Time either. I think I slogged through three? Yet I managed all the GRR Martins.
Little Brother is excellent.
I read Neil Gaiman – I left him off the list – silly me