Ankle addendum

They say bad things happen in threes, right?

So, I got a cold while in Helsinki, and had to stay in a fleabag – two things. (And really, in the scheme of things, they aren’t THAT bad.)

But anyway, getting back to my three things – yesterday, less-than-positive thing number three happened. I fell off a bike and sprained my right ankle. There I was, all set to go riding around Amsterdam with L. I hopped on the bike, or rather, tried to hop on to the bike, completely overbalanced, and fell over.

The injury to my dignity would have been bad enough – falling flat on an Amsterdam street, next to a canal, in full view of all, is as graceful as it sounds. Unfortunately, in the descent to the ground, I also managed to land rather badly on my ankle.

Luckily we hadn’t actually gone anywhere, so it was a case of going back indoors, putting ice on the ankle and then strapping it up.

But that was the end of my career as an Amsterdam cyclist.

This post brought to you by WordPress for iPad and Hopalong Con, in Amsterdam, on the summer solstice.


Ellen 22 June 2014

I hope you make a speedy recovery.

flexnib 25 June 2014


Kate B 24 June 2014

I fell while out walking on Sunday. I was so embarassed, and it hurt. Felt all shaken up and quite sore after…no bruises..just hurt pride I reckon (and that slight niggle about getting old!).
Anyway- enough about me…I saw your pic on IG and ouch!! Hope it hasn’t been to debilitating with the reminder of your trip. Almost home 🙂