Day Two

So it looks like, for the moment, I’m still doing this thing. Because I don’t have enough to do, clearly.

Anyway, what was I saying, yesterday? Oh, my personal project.

That whole #the100dayproject turned out to be great fun. My rules were:

  1. draw everyday for the 100 days
  2. don’t overthink it – spend about 10-15 minutes a day on the drawing
  3. post the drawing on Instagram.

Turned out quite well. I’ve managed to make drawing one of the things I do every day as part of my early morning routine before going to work. (It doesn’t really count as a project anymore, but whatever.)

As a child, drawing was something I did every single day. I wanted to be a cartoonist when I grew up. Even had a bit of a reputation as the class cartoonist, in high school. I’m not sure when or why I stopped – probably coincided with my family’s move to Australia. Upheaval and all that. And then I just didn’t go back to it – until this year.

I can clearly see my confidence increasing and I think I’m developing my style again.

The first drawing I did for the project.

I started off not knowing what I would draw every day. It was a bit stressful at times. “This is terrible and I’m going to have to share it??” I ignored that voice.

Art class
It got easier

I started to really enjoy myself. As is usually the case with these social media things, I made a few new friends who were also doing the same project. My drawings got more and more elaborate. I even started an art class!

I have no idea where I’m going with it but I’m enjoying myself.

122 morning
This morning’s drawing

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