
This blog is a year old today! Strictly speaking, it won’t be a year old until this evening, but I don’t want to wait until then to write. Sometime last week, I realised this momentous milestone was arriving, so I’ve been thinking about what I would write to commemorate the occasion, but I haven’t come up with anything in particular.

I don’t know why I am lost for words this morning. Maybe I am still recovering from having just finished writing my two conference papers for Click 06 in September. Maybe I am too much in holiday mode already. Maybe it is also hard to write about what the whole blogging experiment, without going all mushy which is why I am consciously and unconsciously resisting it writing it down. (It doesn’t help that I don’t have the usual deadline of having to get ready for work this morning.)

In any case, I can also commemorate the other anniversary – today also marks a year since I started with the early rising experiment. It’s been a year of getting up at 5am! It’s no longer an experiment though, because after a year I am now really used to it and usually wake up even if the alarm doesn’t go off.

I wish I’d thought to write down what the morning of 7 June 2005 was like. This morning hasn’t been particularly cold – at 5am, it was 9.8°C, the sky was cloudy, and outside there was a definite tinge of smoke to the air. Woody smelling smoke, maybe a neighbour’s wood fire. There are supposed to be the odd “shower or two, clearing this morning” but the air doesn’t feel like it’s going to rain.

I think the early morning is easily my favourite time of day. It’s quiet, calm, and I love the feeling that the day’s possibilities are endless. I love watching the sky get lighter. The different blues as the sun rises as beautiful. I love listening to the birds as they rise – although there aren’t as many birds around in winter. In summer we have all sorts of birds – lots of galahs and doves and even the occasional kookaburra. I even love listening to the noises of the traffic outside as more and more people get on the road on their way to work (this sounds even better when you don’t have to go yourself!).

Having the extra couple of hours everyday has also been a real boon. It’s definitely given me the time to blog and to read. In fact I’m not sure if I would still be blogging, without the 5am starts. As for blogging – you may still be wondering why I mentioned being mushy about it? Well, it’s easy for me to get mushy about blogging because it’s given me such a lot. (Or maybe it’s just easy for me to get mushy about blogging because I can get too sentimental for my own good at times.)

When I started looking at blogs and blogging last year I was very sceptical. I could see how it might be fun on a personal level but I couldn’t see any value in it at all, especially from a professional perspective. Over the year, though, I have ‘met’ so many interesting and vibrant people and learned so much. It’s made a huge difference to my professional life (heck, without blogging I probably wouldn’t have been inspired enough to get off my bum and write not one, but two conference papers.)

I enjoy the whole range of blogs that I read – from the Great and Wonderful World of the Biblioblogosphere*, through to all the blogs by people here in Perth and around Australia and all over the world, and blogs about books, games, technology, languages, families, food, dogs, and.. HOORAY FOR THE BLOGOSPHERE! I think all I really wanted to write was just that, and now I have.

*blogs by library people

Note: I began this post at 5:47am and finished it at 8:39am.

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cherryripe 7 June 2006

Congrats on reaching this milestone! I have really enjoyed reading your blog since its inception and i hope you continue to blog for a long time to come. Sure, we could email each other, but i reading the blog is much more fun. (I hope it doesn’t make me sound like a freak to say that.)

The longevity of the early rising experiment is impressive, too. I guess you’re not finding it difficult to get up now that the mornings are colder? They’re definitely making rising more challenging for me.

Iris 7 June 2006

Congratulations, CW. I’m so glad you took up blogging. And visiting the Carnival wiki I see that you’re about to get famous! What better way to celebrate a year’s worth of blogging than to hit the big time. πŸ™‚

Simone 7 June 2006

Congrats on the milestone CW!! And long may it continue!

I think it’s been about a year for me too, I started out on blogger, for friends and family. I backdated a lot of posts though, but I think I know the first one I did, so should be able to find it.
Also congrats on the early rising! I hope to do it one day too! lol
I want to get better at time management as a whole, I am really, really bad at it (always late, unless something is really important), especially in the mornings.


Mickey Glitter 7 June 2006

Happy Blogday!!

mooiness 7 June 2006

Woohoo! Congrats! Speaking of which I think mine is coming up too. πŸ™‚

And really big ups for the early rising experiment, now permanent lifestyle choice. πŸ™‚

ToxicPurity 7 June 2006

Happy 1st Anniversary! I really ought to send a card or something, since paper is the traditional gift, but who writes on paper anymore ?) πŸ™‚ And well done on the early mornings. You and JOOB have a *lot* in common. heh.

CW 7 June 2006

Thanks everyone!! πŸ™‚

Cheers Cherry πŸ™‚ I’ve been enjoying blogging and reading your blog too πŸ™‚ As for getting up now it’s actually not been bad at all. It was the first winter that was hard I guess…

Thanks Iris! I’m a bit nervous, what if no one submits anything?? Can you write something? πŸ˜›

Thank you Simone! I must say your blog is very admirable for its coverage of all things Perth πŸ™‚ Keep blogging!

Cheers Mickey πŸ™‚ I like that: Blogday!

Mooiness isn’t your blog older than mine? Oh and yes, I should stop calling it an experiment, it’s definitely a lifestyle choice now πŸ™‚

Thanks Toxic Purity πŸ™‚ Is it traditional to send a card for a blog’s birthday??

Jiwa Rasa 7 June 2006


Happy Anniversary. Hope to hear more from you..

CW 7 June 2006

Terima kasih, Jiwa Rasa. You too! πŸ™‚

morgan 9 June 2006

Congratulations on a great first year, and may you have many more!