Cold cold cold

I haven’t used the Blogger plug-in for Word in ages. This morning might be a good time to, seeing as Blogger seems to be behaving strangely (very slow and pages aren’t loading properly), and losing my post would be irritating. I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to post this, but I won’t worry about that for now.

Hmm it’s now ‘temporarily unavailable due to an unexpected technical problem. Our engineers are working hard to fix Blogger. We will be back up as soon as possible.’ All Blogger blogs seem to be viewable, but you can’t post any comments. (I suppose it’s churlish to whinge about a free service, so I won’t.)

Did I actually say that it’s not tough getting up at 5am now that this is my second winter of early rising? What do they say? Pride comes before a fall, or something? Well this morning has been really really really tough for some reason. It hasn’t even been particularly cold. No colder than it’s been for the past few days, anyway, and yet this morning I feel like a reptile, sluggish for lack of warmth. Listening to Cattle and Cane in the vain hope that summer feel of the song warms me up. Making, and eating, a bowl of Maggi noodles just so I can have something hot. Baubles the Cat is back in bed snuggled up next to M, otherwise I would pick her up. It feels too mean to pick her up just to use as gloves when she is so asleep. It would also make her very grumpy, and she has been known to hiss at a person when she gets grumpy. I might have to have another cuppa.

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