New toy for Christmas

One of my Christmas presents from M was this – the Eee PC from Asus.

Here it is, next to my desktop PC. My 2008 Special Edition Red Moleskine diary is the red book next to it.

Eee PC screen
Despite its small size its screen is easy to read. And it’s the most appliance-like computer I have ever used, in the sense that there was very little set-up needed to get started with it. I basically took it out of its box, stuck its battery in, plugged it into the mains (to charge), and away I went.

I decided on a black one, instead of white, because any white keyboards I use tend to get very grubby. (I like to eat at my keyboard, and inevitably drop crumbs.)

What I love most about the Eee PC is its weight – it’s very light, and nice to carry around. Quite unlike any regular laptop I have ever used.

Trade paperback sized
The Eee PC is smaller than some trade paperbacks! I’ve already been using it to check email in bed. It will be very handy to have when I’m in Melbourne for the VALA conference next month and need something to take notes and go online.


Penny 2 January 2008

How cute!! Very sweet present 😉

Isaak Kwok 2 January 2008

I like the Asus Eee PC as well. Was thinking of getting one for the cool factor. And also to get a cheap PC/laptop for the house so that the little one wouldn’t ‘disturb’ us when he wants to play his ABC tutorials online or visit the Thomas the Tank Engine website. 🙂

snail 2 January 2008

Welcome to the club 😀 Will have to see if I can have mine running on the company stand at VALA…it’s usually my lappy anyway.

CW 3 January 2008

Yes it is, Penny 🙂

Hi Isaak I reckon the Eee would suit Matthew’s little hands perfectly! 😀

Snail how have you been finding it? Oh, and looking forward to catching up at VALA 🙂

snail 3 January 2008

Liking it…still playing around, using it for casual note taking, not to mention the occasional loving caress 🙂 The wireless has been good and I often have it connected to my house network. Just added the “Fuller Screen” extension to firefox to give me more browsing space. I was impressed by the white version but the black was a whole new level again. Looks good beside my lenovo thinkpads. Bought a new bag the other day to carry it, a basic man bag, noone would know it contains a laptop.