Day 12 #blogjune Sunday

Today’s photo for the Daily Image challenge. This was taken using the shiny new MacBook Pro and the colour has been digitally enhanced (*koff*). I was gazing out at Paco who was basking on the deck and looking very pleased with himself, so my smile is actually genuine.

Jools!Looking at this picture, a few things occur to me:

1. I spend a lot more time on Twitter these days than I do blogging. Stuff that happens also tends to get reported there, and not here. Hence, folks on Twitter will have heard that I bought a new computer last week – a shiny 15-inch MacBook Pro – the news of which I neglected to mention here, until now. (I’ll blog more about the MBP, soon.)

2.There are some things I haven’t really mentioned much. For instance, this year I have developed an unhealthy fascination* with Etsy. The picture shows me wearing a necklace purchased from Etsy – yes I have also developed an unhealthy fascination with jools of all kinds. I think I now have more jools than a sensible person would! The necklace in the picture above was sold to me as a Vintage Greek Goddess Gold Tone Athena Chain Link Necklace which I am not even sure I will be able to wear much given its bling qualities, and the fact that it is “gold tone”** and likely to make me allergic. I just liked it (and still like it).

3. Also cute things. There are some really clever, talented people on Etsy who can make things that make the rest of us mere mortals smile, like these little Bobbaloos in the picture. From left, they are Snicket, Scotchie, and Aldo. (The links will take you to the wee creatures’ stories on Etsy. Click at your own risk: cute overload.)
Their function is to make me smile everytime I look at them – very, very important indeed.
Bobbaloos in a row

4. Stuff happens that I just don’t mention whether here or on Twitter, or anywhere else online, for that matter. Usually it’s stuff that happens at work, or stuff involving family or friends. Although I am involved, it just doesn’t feel like it’s wholly my news, and I have qualms about posting it. So, I don’t.

*I would rather avoid terming this an “addiction”. It seems everything can become an addiction these days, which smacks of (to me) 1) minimising true addictions and illnesses, and 2) absolving one of all responsibility (“I sent you inappropriate pictures, oops it’s not my fault, I must be addicted and need to go to rehab”. Oh, puh-lease!).

** I am learning more than I ever thought possible about the differences between gold tone, gold plate, gold fill, vermeil, 14k, 18k, 24k, white gold, rose gold… and platinum, titanium, niobium, sterling silver, bronze, copper, base metal, raku, millefiori, lampwork… 16″, 18″, 20″, 24″, Boho, flapper, repurposed, upcycled, and would you like some turquoise with that carnelian?