Routine break

An interruption to my routine has been caused by some sad news: my mother-in-law has been diagnosed with cancer.

I haven’t been feeling particularly grateful for anything, and none of the books I’ve been reading have seemed worthy of reviewing, being mostly fillers to combat the noise generated by my mind at present. I couldn’t even muster much of a desire to sit at the computer, and when I did it was to revive my WoW account (and get a Draenai shaman to level 20 in about ten hours’ play).

On the other hand, I have been enjoying spending time with both my families.

And now that I seem to have gotten past my avoidance of the computer, it is possible that blogging will begin again. Next thing I will need to do is write all those emails…


snail 15 April 2009

Sorry to hear you and M are going through a tough time at the moment. Computer games are a great escape and I actually bought my PS2 a few months after dad died. It’s been a boon for those times when I just wanted to shut the world out.

Michelle 15 April 2009

Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Take whatever time you need to come to grips with it, including spending all that valuable time with family. We’ll still be around when you come back to us.

Isaak Kwok 15 April 2009

Am sorry to hear. Take good care of yourself and M!

CW 15 April 2009

Thanks all. We’re just taking things slowly and trying to support each other as much as we can. On the positive side it is making us talk to each other more. E.g. last night had a skype chat with one of M’s aunts – been meaning to do this but never got around to it, until now.

KatieTT 15 April 2009

Very sorry to hear your news…take care..all of you. KX

Fiona 16 April 2009

I’m sorry to hear this news. The world works in mysterious ways, and we found my father-in-law’s illness had a silver lining – my husband and his sister became very close after years of not having much to do with each other.

Take the time you need to be with family, and take care of each other.

Rachel 16 April 2009

Very sorry to hear about your news. Take care of yourself and M.

CW 17 April 2009

Thanks guys. This does make you realise what the important things are in life, definitely.

Mel 17 April 2009

Ahhh the typewriter. My mother is a former journalist who used to file her stories on a typewriter. When she dusted it off from the garage to show my kids recently they couldn’t believe that she used it (but they had fun playing with it). “It’s so slow!” they moaned.

Mel 17 April 2009

Sorry I left my previous comment on the wrong post. Seems a bit trivial now.

How sad about your mother-in-law. You are so right that it takes something like this to remind us of the important things in life. All the best.

Penny 20 April 2009

I’m really sorry to hear that Con. 🙁

Angel 24 April 2009

I had not been paying attention to my feeds lately (work and all), so did not catch this right away. Take your time. My thoughts are with you.