My lessons

This post is inspired by Kalgrl’s great reflection on what she’s learned over the past year.
Self Portrait

Things I’ve observed and been pondering over the last few weeks:

  1. People are unpredictable.
  2. Patience is the key. I never realised how impatient I am.
  3. Self-awareness is essential. Mood can play a big part in what I achieve (or don’t).
  4. Listen. Both to what people are saying and what they are not saying. (I am not trying to be zen here.)
  5. Details are important. (My natural preference is for the Big Blue Sky.)
  6. Don’t take anything (or anyone) for granted. Be clear about what you want.
  7. Did I say patience is the key? Focus is the other key. This is tough. I want to do it ALL.
  8. Training is hideously dull, but necessary, if only so you learn what the party line is, what beliefs the organisational culture is based on.
  9. Don’t jump to conclusions. (See #2, above.)
  10. There’s always more to learn.
  11. I have an amazing network of colleagues to learn from. Thank you!

One Comment

restructuregirl 21 March 2010

This made me smile – I am exactly the same. Am going to hold onto 5 and 8 next week.
Cheers, Ruth