Sunday morning

We went to the park this morning.
At the park

There are always lots of dogs at this particular park, which is large and located right next to the Swan River. The bigger dogs love swimming and fetching stuff thrown into the river. Paco and Peppi are happy just to watch from the shore. (Being typical chihuahuas they aren’t fond of water.)

Because it is a long way from any roads it’s pretty dog-friendly. It’s always nice to be able to walk the chihuahuas off their leads. The dogs love it.

Happy Paco at the park

Paco has no fear of big dogs and runs up to everyone to say hi. People were remarking on his lack of fear. Peppi on the other hand is more shy.


Penny 8 November 2010

they look so pleased 🙂

CW 8 November 2010

They were pleased! Paco did laps of joy, followed closely by Peppi.