Classical Chinese poetry on the iPad

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying this iOS app: 儿童必背诗词50首 which translates to “50 Poems Children Must Memorise”. I suppose you could class it as an enhanced ebook, and in this case it works quite well.

It’s simple enough – 50 poems from the Tang and Song Dynasty are available, each poem per page/screen. You can listen to an adult voice (some male, some female) reciting or declaiming the poems very expressively, or listen to versions of some of the poems set to tunes and sung by children. Some of the singing can be a bit twee, but the recitations are quite good, I think.

The text of the poems themselves are in large characters (as the screenshot below shows). Beneath each poem some of the less familiar classical characters are explained, and there’s a bit of background to each poem, as well as a version of the poem in contemporary language.


The screenshot shows a poem by He Zhizhang (Tang Dynasty), Coming Home. Some translations here.

Works by poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi are included.

While aimed at children, this app suits me well, as an adult heritage language learner with intermediate to advanced skills. I’ve never been good at memorising poetry (in any language), and this helps.